Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro(イジらないで、長瀞さん)
Written by: Nanashi
Published by: Kodansha
Magazine: Magazine pocket
Volumes: 10
Status: Ongoing
Original Run: November 2017- Present
Written by: Taku Kishimoto
Directed by: Hirokazu Hanai
Licensed by: Crunchyroll
Studio: Telecom Animation Film
Episodes: 11
Status: Ongoing
Original Run: April 2021- Present
Don't toy with me, Miss Nagatoro PLOT
Hayase Nagatoro (長瀞 早瀬)
Senpai (センパイ)
Gamo (蒲生)
Yosshii (ヨッシー)
Sakura (桜)
Club President (部長)
Nagatoro's sister (姉瀞)
Orihara (折原)
Sunomiya (須ノ宮)
The manga has been licensed by Vertical in North America and the first volume was released in November 2019.
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2017-11-01 issue to the 2018-01-24 issue
- "Senpai, you're kinda..." (センパイって,ちょっと…)
- "Observing Senpai is fun..." (センパイ観察するの楽しーし)
- "Senpai, don't you get angry?" (センパイって怒らないんですか?)
- "Senpai's wish just came true!!" (センパイの願望が叶いましたね!!)
- "Senpai, please brush your teeth" (センパイ,歯,磨いてきて下さい)
- "'Sup, Senpai!" (ちっす,センパイっ!)
- "Senpai, you're still soapy..." (センパイ,泡,残ってますよー)
- "Senpai needs a little more..." (センパイは,もうちょっと…)
- Bonus 1: "Did someone give Senpai chocolate...?" (センパイにチョコをあげる人が…?)
- Bonus 2: "I'm being defiled by Senpai" (センパイに汚されちゃう~)
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2018-02-07 issue to the 2018-05-02 issue. Chapters were published in Weekly Shonen Magazine from the 2017 issue 49, 2018 issue 2/3, and 2018 issue 14. A special edition was released in paperback with an included full-color booklet. The booklet included illustrations done by 12 guest artists.
- "You're too guillble, Senpai" (センパイ、ちょろ過ぎる~)
- "Come on, Senpai! Fight back!" (ほらセンパイ!ツッコミツッコミ!)
- "Senpai! Come here!" (センパーイ、こっちこっち?)
- "Senpai, let's play a game!" (センパーイ、ゲームしましょう!)
- Side story: "Practice makes perfect, Senpai!" (何事も実践からですよ、センパイ)
- "Senpai's afraid!" (センパイびびってるぅー)
- "No, you drew this, Senpai!" (いや、これセンパイの絵でしょ)
- Side story 2: "Senpai, I'm ready now!" (センパイ、準備出来ましたよ)
- Side story 3: "See ya, Sen-pai!" (じゃーねー、セ・ン・パ・イ?)
- Bonus 1: "Senpai, move your hand a bit lower" (センパイ、手、もうちょっと下げてー)
- Bonus 2: "I bet you're sensitive, Senpai" (センパイって敏感そ??)
This volume covers chapters in Magazine Pocket from the 2018-05-16 issue to the 2018-09-19 issue. Volume 3 was released in paperback and eBook by Shonen Magazine Comics with a total of 163 pages, 9 chapters, and 2 bonus chapters. A special edition was released in paperback with an included full-color booklet which put Senpai and Nagatoro in erotic situations. The booklet included illustrations done by 10 guest artists.
- "Senpai, your arms are so skinny!!" (センパイ,腕ほっそ!!)
- "If we buzz that fluff, Senpai" (センパイのもこもこ)
- "Say, Senpai" (ねぇ,センパイ)
- "Let's do it again sometime, Senpai" (またやりましょうね,センパイっ)
- "Senpai, you creeep" (センパイ,キモ~)
- "Thanks, Senpai..." (あざっす,センパイ…)
- "Thanks for the treat, Senpai!!" (センパイ,ゴチっス!!)
- "Senpai! Let's go to the beach!!" (センパイ!海,行きましょー!!)
- "I'll rub it in for you, Senpai" (塗ってあげますよ センパイ)
- Bonus 1: "What do ya think, Senpai?! Check these hip moves!" (どっスかセンパイ!!この腰使い!!)
- Bonus 2: "I'll boost your spirits, Senpai" (センパイのやる気を…応援しちゃいますよ)
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2018-10-17 issue to the 2019-02-09 issue, and the Weekly Shonen Magazine 2019 issue 2/3
- "Senpai, why don't we go to the festival?" (センパイ,お祭り行きませんか?)
- "Senpai, please don't drag me down" (センパイ,足引っ張らないで下さいよー)
- "This is like a date, isn't it, Senpai?" (デートみたいっすね,センパイ)
- Bonus 1: "That's right, huh, Senpai" (そっスね,センパイ)
- "Let's leave, Senpai" (帰りましょう,センパイ)
- "Stay still, Paisen!" (パイセンじっとしてろよ!)
- "Let's do rock-paper-scissors, Senpai!!" (じゃんけんしましょう,センパイ!!)
- "I saw you, Senpai..." (見てましたよ,センパイ…)
- Bonus 2: "Senpai, your body seems so stiff!" (センパイって体,硬そーですよねぇ)
- Extra: "Senpai, you're a real creep" (センパイ,マジキモ~)
- Side story 1: "Senpai, stand up!! 1" (センパイスタンダップ!! 1)
- Side story 2: "Senpai, stand up!! 2" (センパイスタンダップ!! 2)
This volume covers chapters in Magazine Pocket from the 2019-02-06 issue to the 2019-05-29 issue, and Weekly Shonen Magazine 2019 issue 18. The special edition of this volume was released with a 36-page comic anthology drawn by 11 guest artists.
- "You have no sense of adventure, Senpai" (冒険心ってものがセンパイに足りないとこなんですよ)
- "Senpai's a closet perv!" (センパイはムッツリだし!!)
- "Senpai, what's in your bento lunch?" (センパイ,弁当なんですか?)
- "As if a creep like Senpai could go on a proper date!!" (キモキモセンパイがまともにデート出来るわけ無いっしょ!!)
- Side story: It may be more fun than you'd expect, ex-Senpai!" (意外と楽しいかもしれないっスね,元センパイ)
- "We'd end up becoming your senpais, right, Paisen?" (うちらがパイセンのセンパイになるって事だよなぁ?)
- "Senpai, you made me do this!" (センパイがさせたんだろ…)
- "Senpai, you're staring off into space" (センパイが遠い目してる)
- "Let's go for it, Senpai!!" (やってやりますよ,センパイ!!)
- Bonus: "Senpai, you've gone beet red" (センパイ,顔真っ赤っスよ~?)
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2019-06-12 issue to the 2019-09-18 issue. Volume 6 was released in paperback and eBook by Shonen Magazine Comics with a total of 176 pages, 8 chapters, and 2 bonus chapters. The special edition of this volume was released with an original art calendar for 2020.
- "Whadda you think of it, Senpai?" (センパイはどう思ってんスか?)
- "Come on! Just admit you want it, Senpai!" (素直じゃないんだからー、センパイはー)
- "A-Are you alright, Senpai?" (だっ大丈夫っすスか センパイー)
- "Senpai, you're being naive about this contest" (センパイは勝負を甘く見てますね)
- "Senpai, you can put a good fight!! (センパイはいい勝負出来ますよ!!)
- "Toro-cat needs to do better than that" (トロキャットなめてんじゃねぇ)
- "Has spring finally come for Senpai, the unpopular lone louse?" (非モテはぐフナセンパイにもついに春が到来っスかー!?)
- "She said something about love, didn't she, Senpai?" (愛とか言われちゃってますよぉセンパーイ?)
- Bonus 1: "Senpai, what do you think about this pose?" (セーンパイ こーんなポーズとかどっスかー?)
- Bonus 2: "Are you okay, Senpai?" (おまけ2 大丈夫っスか、センパイ!!)
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2019-10-16 issue to the 2020-01-15 issue
- "Since we're good pals 'n' all, Senpai" (センパイと私の仲なんスからー)
- "You're the star of the show, Senpai" (センパイが主役っス)
- "Senpai, are you asking me out?" (センパイのお誘いっスか!?)
- "Please take me by the hand and teach me, Senpai" (手取り足取り教えて下さいね センパイ)
- "What do you want with my Senpai?" (ウチのセンパイに何か…?)
- "That's what we get from imagining your future realistically, Senpai" (センパイの将来をリアルに予想した結果っスよ?)
- "Senpai, please get them on me quickly" (センパイっ早くはかせて下さいよー)
- Bonus: "We'll have a sketch competition, Senpai" (スケッチ勝負っスよ センパイ)
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2020-02-12 issue to the 2020-06-03 issue
- センパイ、少女マンガなんて読むんスね
- じゃあセンパイの…舐めちゃおっかな
- センパイ? どーしたんスか…?
- 言うじゃねーか パイセンの割によー!!
- センパイ…さっきの…聞いてました…?
- 上がってってくれたまえよ センパイ君
- センパイ その…あざっス…お見舞い
- センパイ…姉と何 話してたんスか…?
- センパイ…知りたいんだ…私の名前!!
- Bonus: センパイ好きっスねー こーゆーの
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2020-02-12 issue to the 2020-06-03 issue
- おはざーす センパイ
- ここがセンパイの部屋っスかー
- お留守番しててくださいねー セーンパイ
- このっ センパイのくせにっ
- センパイには教えてあげなーい
- いやーゴチっス センパイ!
- センパイ クリボッチじゃないっスかー
- じゃー私からセンパイにも…
- Bonus: 男いない組 怒りの徹カラ
- Bonus: クリスマスプレゼント
- Bonus: 白い女の霊
This volume covers chapters published in Magazine Pocket from the 2020-11-04 issue to the 2021-02-17 issue
- さあセンパイの今年の運勢は~?
- センパイは結局 何お願いしたんスか?
- センパイ コンタクトするんすねー!!
- センパイの滑りってやっぱそんな感じなんスね
- なかなかいー感じでしたよ センパイ
- パイセンさ ちょーっと体鍛えてみねぇ?
- センパイこーゆーの絶対興味ないっしょ!!
- センパイ めっちゃビビってた~!
- Bonus: ぶちょ~さんがパイセン マンツーマンでしごいてるってさ~
- "Senpai is a bit ..."(センパイって、ちょっと…)
- "Senpai, don't you ever get angry?"(センパイって怒らないんですか?)
An Introverted second-year high school student (Naoto Hachioji, never addressed as such) drops his self-drawn manga at school and several girls mock him except for Hayase Nagatoro, a first-year student who deduces the hero is based on himself. She torments him by proving his character is braver than him, causing him to cry. He attempts to avoid her but she interrupts his art club and pushes him into drawing her, but only after teasing him with the suggestion she poses nude. She also offers him a secret prize for the finished drawing. With the drawing finished she pretends to offer him a kiss, but then mocks him for it, pointing out he was obviously too embarrassed to draw her thighs properly, causing him to cry again. On their way home, she asks him on a date, only to mock him again for thinking she was being serious, and accidentally pushes him into a river. When he barely reacts she demands to know why he isn’t angry and he admits after a lifetime of bullying he can’t get angry anymore, and while she annoys him, he kind of enjoys her attention. Satisfied with his answer she demands he call her Nagatoro and she will call him Senpai.
- "You Got Your Wish, Senpai!"(センパイの願望が叶いましたね!!)
- "'Sup, Senpai?!"(ちっす、センパイっ!)
Senpai buys an erotic vampire manga which Nagatoro steals. Reading it Nagatoro realizes the story is actually interesting but does point out the cowardly human protagonist clearly resembles Senpai. Nagatoro jumps on Senpai pretending to vampirize him, only to be repelled by the garlic from his lunch, and accidentally grabs his crotch, embarrassing them both, though she takes the opportunity to tease him for becoming aroused. The next day Nagatoro proposes a game of accurately poking where each other’s nipples are under their clothing, with the prize of a ticket to force the loser to do any one thing without refusing. Senpai agrees, hoping he can force her to stop teasing him. Nagatoro correctly locates Senpai’s nipples on her first attempt and assumes Senpai will be too embarrassed to take his turn. When Senpai decides he will try Nagatoro becomes flustered, declares the game is over, and escapes before he can take his turn. Senpai goes to his favorite restaurant to continue writing his manga when Nagatoro arrives with her friend on a double date with two boys. Senpai notices Nagatoro seems bored with the boys and doesn’t tease them at all. However, when they meet outside the restaurant Nagatoro returns to normal and teases Senpai as they walk home.
- "Let's Play Again, Senpai"(またやりましょうね、センパイっ)
- "Over Here, Senpai"(センパーイ、こっちこっち〜)
Nagatoro pretends to strip in front of Senpai, revealing she is wearing a swimsuit as underwear, then teases him for believing she would strip naked. Walking home they shelter from a rainstorm and Nagatoro teases him over her shirt becoming see-through. Believing she is still wearing her swimsuit Senpailooks at her and sees her bra, flustering them both. As the rain continues Nagatoro invites Senpai to her home which is close compared to his long walk home. Unable to leave after Nagatoro puts his wet clothes in the dryer Senpai is invited to play games. Being an experienced gamer Senpai plans to defeat her as revenge, but she continues to tease him and defeats him instead. Despite this, Senpai admits he had fun. The next day Senpai is unable to find anywhere to sit at lunch and is forced to sit with Nagatoro and her friends. Nagatoro shows visible jealousy when they try to touch him, and even defends him from their teasing, causing Senpai to loudly declare he and Nagatoro are not dating, which annoys her. She later tries to teach him to turn teasing into a comedy routine with a funny shoulder slap, however, Senpai becomes so flustered he accidentally slaps her breasts, flustering them both, but Nagatoro recovers first and teases him about touching her breasts on purpose.
- "You're All Red, Senpai"(センパイ、顔真っ赤っスよ~?)
- "Senpai, You Could Be a Little More ..."(センパイは、もうちょっと……)
Nagatoro's friends, Gamo and Yosshii, tease him about being a virgin and force him to squeeze Gamo's breasts before revealing it was really bean buns under her shirt. They flee when Nagatoro arrives and again is jealous, though she is less annoyed after learning Senpai only touched the buns. She instead forces him into another game, to guess the difference between a normal and a limited edition bean bun under her shirt, but one of them falls out and Senpai accidentally squeezes her actual breast, flustering them both and earning Senpai a punishment. Later, while posing for his drawing Nagatoro notices Senpai is distracted watching classmate Hosokawa, champion of the baseball club, and deduces he is jealous of Hosakawa’s popularity. Nagatoro points out he can’t expect praise for his talents if he never praises other people either and demands he praise her, but is surprised when he compliments everything he likes about her, so she compliments his embarrassing reactions to her teasing. Senpai struggles to draw her while she teases him until Nagatoro accidentally falls asleep and he is able to draw her. For finishing the drawing Nagatoro pretends to kiss him with his eyes closed, only to reveal he actually kissed a toy and teases him about getting his hopes up, though she does admit she really likes the drawing.
- "Senpai's Poofball"(センパイのもこもこ)
- "Thanks, Senpai!"(センパイ、ゴチっス!!)
Nagatoro has a nightmare about Senpai ignoring her and spending time with Gamo and Yosshii, then becomes embarrassed when she wakes and finds Senpai covered her with a blanket. After tickling him she dares him to tickle her back, but she backs out at the last second from embarrassment. She offers to trim his long hair and he eventually agrees, but she is called away by Gamo and Yosshii who capture Senpai and threaten to shave his entire head, but Senpai manages to resist until furious Nagatoro returns, sending Gamo and Yosshii fleeing. Touched that he was willing to resist just so she could cut his hair, she gives him a proper haircut. During a heatwave, Nagatoro insists they get shaved ice. Unknown to Nagatoro, Senpai protects her from perverts staring at her where sweat has made her bra visible through her shirt. Seeing her suffering from the heat Senpai drags her out of the queue of customers to sit in the shade. After she recovers, she instead buys both of them some convenience store ice cream as thanks. As summer break is starting, Senpai believes he won’t see Nagatoro all summer, until she asks for his phone number, surprising him that she would bother staying in touch. However, she instead begins sending him dozens of messages calling him a pervert.
- "You're Such a Wimp, Senpai ♥"(センパイ、ちょろ過ぎる~♡)
- "Senpai! Let's Go to the Beach!!"(センパイ!海、行きましょうー!)
Senpai awakens in a fantasy world where he is tasked with defeating a demon lord. He forms a team with feline warrior Nekotoro, Gamo the huntress, and dragon girl Yosshii. Reaching the demon lord's castle Senpai realizes the girls are actually the three demon lords who tease him for being a cowardly virgin. Senpai awakens in a restaurant, revealing the whole thing was a story he was writing that turned into a nightmare. Nagatoro finds his notebook filled with drawings of her as a sexy cat girl so she teases him about his fantasies. Nagatoro insists Senpai visits the beach with her, Gamo, and Yosshii who tease him with their bikinis, making Nagatoro jealous. Senpai insists on sitting in the shade sketching as he hates sunburn and struggles at swimming. Nagatoro offers to rub suncream on him but he resists as that is something dating couples do. Irritated at the rejection Nagatoro applies the cream violently with her foot then becomes annoyed when Gamo and Yosshii also insist on stepping all over him. Senpai ends up having a lot of fun at the beach which makes Nagatoro happy. It is later revealed Senpai had been sketching Nagatoro smiling at the beach.
- "Senpai, Want to Go to the Festival?"(センパイ、お祭り行きませんか?)
- "It's Like a Date, Huh, Senpai?"(デートみたいっすね、センパイ♡)
- "Let's Go Home, Senpai"(帰りましょう、センパイ)
Senpai is surprised Nagatoro doesn’t invite him to the summer festival so he goes by himself and bumps into Gamo and Yosshii . They send a picture to Nagatoro so she rushes to the festival in a fit of jealousy where Gamo challenges her to win Senpai back. During the festival games Nagatoro teases him about wanting her to invite him, but hints he could have invited her. Nagatoro wins Senpai back so Gamo and Yosshii leave. Fireworks draw a crowd so Senpai takes her to a more secluded spot to watch. Nagatoro teases that he is just trying to get her alone despite being too cowardly to try for a kiss. Senpai responds that she is also too cowardly to try, causing an awkward moment. They suddenly realize the secluded spot is a make-out spot and they are surrounded by kissing couples, so they flee. Senpai suggests they visit next year’s festival together, pleasing her. After returning to school Senpai sees a boy in Nagatoro's group keep putting his arm around her so he finds the courage to ask Nagatoro to leave with him, which she happily does, as do the girls, leaving the confused boys behind. Senpai meets another of Nagatoro's friends, Sakura, one of the girls who first bullied him for drawing manga in the library.
- "That Might Actually Be Fun, Senpai♥"( 意外と楽しいかもしれないっスね、元センパイ♡)
- "Let's Play Rock-Paper-Scissors, Senpai!!"(じゃんけんしましょう、センパイ!!)
As Senpai has weak muscles Nagatoro forces him to exercise by supporting her on his back, but her butt is too stimulating and Senpai collapses. Senpai becomes obsessed with a new game and forgets to study. Nagatoro warns him if he has to repeat the year he would end up in the same class as her. Senpai thoughtlessly blurts out that sounds fun, embarrassing them both, so he studies religiously and passes his exams so Nagatoro teases him about deliberately avoiding being in her class. Nagatoro overhears Senpai with Gamo, Yosshii, and Sakura sounding suspicious and bursts in on them, only to find them trying to extract a splinter from Senpai's thumb, so Nagatoro jealously extracts the splinter herself. Annoyed over the splinter incident Nagatoro challenges Senpai to Rock, Paper, Scissors to force him to carry her home when he loses. Senpai almost drops her and when he tries to catch her he accidentally grabs her butt with both hands, causing her to flee home in sheer embarrassment. She later calls him to tease him that she is in the bath, his reaction amusing her so much she accidentally turns on her phone camera so he sees her naked, leaving them both embarrassed again.
- "Senpai's Such a Closet Perv!!"(センパイはムッツリだし!!)
- "There's No Way Creepy Senpai Could Go on a Proper Date!!"(モキモセンパイがまともにデート出来るわけ無いっしょ!!)
Nagatoro becomes obsessed with boxing and demands Senpai duel her, but Senpai steps too close and they almost hug, embarrassing them both. The girls are angered when their lunchroom is invaded by gaming nerds, so they send Sakura to break up the nerds friendships by flirting and making them jealous of each other. The girls don’t believe Senpai is interested in girls but Nagatoro insists he is perverted and wagers he has porn in the clubroom. Nagatoro fails to find any and is mocked by Gamo. Feeling sorry for her, Senpai hints to where he has a dirty magazine, allowing Nagatoro to win and tease him mercilessly. Nagatoro gets a new ear piercing and convinces Senpai to let her pierce his ear. Senpai agrees but Nagatoro only pretends to do it and teases him about wanting to match her. Sakura reveals one of the nerds is stalking her and asks Senpai to pretend to be her boyfriend, infuriating Nagatoro when he agrees. Observing their fake date Nagatoro becomes frustrated at their supposed closeness and catches the stalker herself. With the fake date over Gamo is disappointed she couldn’t take any embarrassing photos of the date. Nagatoro teases him about his awkwardness dating, which he admits is true.
- "You Seem Pretty Stiff, Senpai"(センパイって体、硬そーですよねぇ)
- "I'll Do It For You, Senpai!!"(やってやりますよ、センパイ!!)
Nagatoro offers Senpai “hot snaps”, which he assumes are nude photographs until she reveals she was talking about Snapping Hot Chicken and teases him for being perverted. Nagatoro notices Senpai is a slow runner and demands he jogs with her. Senpai is distracted when Nagatoro turns up in a revealing running outfit. When he collapses halfway Nagatoro torments him until he reaches the finish where she continues to torment him during their cool-down stretches. Senpai needs a model for his latest drawing and Nagatoro teasingly insists on modeling for him. Senpai agrees but claims he is recreating the cat girl drawing, so Nagatoro will need to actually wear a cat-girl costume. Senpai later feels guilty about his lie but is shocked when Nagatoro stubbornly turns up in costume. Hearing familiar footsteps Senpai surprises Nagatoro by insisting she hide. The art club president, whom Senpai is nervous about, arrives to see how Senpai has been managing the art club in her absence, but when she sees his drawings of cat-girl Nagatoro she threatens to have the club shut down. Nagatoro furiously reveals herself to defend Senpai's dedication to art. To test this the president demands Senpai run his own art exhibit at the cultural festival in competition with her own, and if the students vote Senpai's exhibit as better than hers, she will leave the club alone.
- "What Do You Think, Senpai?"(センパイはどう思ってんスか?)
- "You Could Be More Honest, Senpai ♥"(素直じゃないんだからー、センパイはー♡)
Senpai is not confident as the president’s previous exhibit was a nude painting of herself. Nagatoro is suspicious of Senpai having kept the painting but does offer to model for him. Senpai refuses, claiming he isn’t skilled enough to defeat the president. The girls claim it is because Nagatoro has smaller breasts, causing Senpai to defend Nagatoro, surprising her. Nagatoro models many costumes but has to admit Senpai's drawings lack impact next to the painting. Senpai decides to not draw Nagatoro anymore in case his exhibit fails and Nagatoro is embarrassed. The president splits the club room in half to have privacy for her next nude portrait. She advises Senpai that his paintings are skillful, but lack passion. Nagatoro visits but flees seeing the undressed President. While chasing her Senpai asks her to model for him but she refuses. Senpai shocks Nagatoro by saying he is happiest drawing her and doesn’t want to draw anyone else, embarrassing her but making her happy and causing them both to fall into the pool where she cheerfully accuses him of looking at her bra again. Nagatoro asks why Senpai continually sketches her in everyday situations and he says that is when she is cutest, embarrassing them both but allowing her to tease him. The president visits another student who suggests something else is going on around her competition with Senpai.
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